Here’s my recent shopping trip to Earth Fare.
So I’ve gone to different grocery stores in my area and have made the decision that Earth Fare is by far superior in both bulk shopping and in zero waste shopping. I really appreciate their boot list of ingredients that they do not allow in the store. They worry about the ingredients so we don’t have to! All of their food is non-GMO and is very delicious and well purchased!
The meat and seafood is the best I’ve ever had around here. And it’s a great price. For example I got fresh ground sirloin for $2.99 a pound! The produce is organic and affordable. We’re able to bulk shop for everything sustainable with mason jars and cotton bags! Which gives us the opportunity to shop plastic free!!! Subscribe and follow us and we will show you in this video and in upcoming videos how to Zero Waste grocery shop. I have now found my favorite place to shop in Brevard County! Earth Fare is definitely our county’s BEST!
I can purchase food for a family of four for about 20% less than the amount that I spend at Publix. I don’t shop the isles for more than 1 or 2 things if at all. The isles always cost more.
When I shop for a family of 4 zero waste I usually buy five different packs of meat wrapped in butchers paper. My vegetables without any wrap put in my own bags. Milk in returnable reusable glass jars, cheese in my own containers, bread from the bakery in my own bag and of course, everything else we need in the bulk section. Bulk items I purchase include flour, cereal granola, rice, all sorts of beans, nuts, corn meal, olive oil, honey, peanut butter and snacks of all sorts that are non-GMO and healthier including organic.
The best part of the whole shopping experience at Earth Fare is we are not buying a bunch of plastic waste thus we’re helping to save our environment by reducing our carbon footprint, reducing waste! Be sure to come back and see more videos of us shopping at Earth fare. I will be going there next week to video more bulk shopping with help so we can get even more bulk shopping in action !